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Clinuvel Discounted Cashflow Model Dashboard

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Screenshot Clinuvel DCF fair value dashboardDie folgende Seite demonstriert am Beispiel der „Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals“ die interaktive Ermittlung des fairen Werts auf Basis einer Discounted Cashflow Analyse.

Das Modell sowie die angenommenen Datenschätzungen sind nach bestem Wissen zusammengestellt, können aber immer noch Fehler enthalten. Ich übernehme jedoch keinerlei Haftung für die Richtigkeit der angenommenen Daten und das korrekte Verhalten des Modells. Die dargestellten Informationen und Ergebnisse sind keine Aufforderung zum Kauf oder Verkauf von Wertpapieren. Die Investition in Wertpapiere ist mit hohem Risiko bis zum Totalverlust des eingesetzten Kapitals verbunden und sollte immer vor dem Hintergrund der individuellen Situation entschieden werden.

Terms of Use (English)

Screenshot: Clinuvel DCF Dashboard

The following page  gives an example of the interactive calculation of fair value based on the discounted cash-flow method, based on the company „Clinuvel Pharmaceuticals“.

The model as well as the used data point estimates have been collected to the best of my knowledge, but may still contain errors. Therefore, I don’t accept any liability for both the data and the correct calculation of the fair value and all other functions of the dashboard.

The information and results presented are by no means a reccommendation to buy or sell certain securities. Investing into securities is tied to high risks, including a total permanent loss of capital. Investment decisions should not be based on the information presented here, but should take the personal situation and due diligence from a wider set of source into account.

Instructions and Explanations


  • The tool allows the user to choose different input variables by moving the sliders for the different parameters on the left slide
  • The tool will based on the user inputs model the Profit & Loss statement and some parts of the Balance Sheet and Cashflow Statement to calculate a time series of key business KPIs
  • The „Free Cashflow to Equity“ is then discounted with the given equity costs. For the terminal value, the steady-state Free Cashflow to Equity is divided by the equity costs to get the net present value of all future cashflows, discounted to today and added to the discounted cash flow.



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